A brief, red color correction whenever the player is damaged.
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localmod=RegisterMod("Repentogon Color Modifiers",1)localgame=Game()localRED_LENGTH=3-- Make our red color modifier.localredModifier=ColorModifier(1,0,0,0.33,0,2)-- Add a red color modifier when the player is hurt.functionmod:OnPlayerHurt()-- Set the red effect. "lerp" stands for linear interpolation, and means it'll "fade" to our color modifier from the current one.game:SetColorModifier(redModifier,true,0.3)-- Fade back to normal after RED_LENGTH frames.Isaac.CreateTimer(function()-- Set's the color modifier back to what was specified in "fxparams.xml".game:GetRoom():UpdateColorModifier(true,true,0.05)end,RED_LENGTH,1,false)endmod:AddCallback(ModCallbacks.MC_ENTITY_TAKE_DMG,mod.OnPlayerHurt,EntityType.ENTITY_PLAYER)