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Class "Backdrop"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the following functions:

Example Code
local backdrop = Game():GetRoom():GetBackdrop()


GetControlsANM2 ()⚓︎

Sprite GetControlsANM2 ( )⚓︎

GetControlsButtonsANM2 ()⚓︎

Sprite GetControlsButtonsANM2 ( )⚓︎

GetDetailANM2 ()⚓︎

Sprite GetDetailANM2 ( )⚓︎

GetFloorANM2 ()⚓︎

Sprite GetFloorANM2 ( )⚓︎

GetFloorImage ()⚓︎

Image GetFloorImage ( )⚓︎

Returns the buffer containing the floor texture of the current room.

GetWallImage ()⚓︎

Image GetWallImage ( )⚓︎

Returns the buffer containing the wall texture of the current room.