Changes made to the UI⚓︎
Title Screen⚓︎
- The current REPENTOGON commit hash is displayed above the title screen logo.
- A scrollable changelog displaying the commit history starting from the currently installed build is accessable by pressing TAB while on the title screen.
Stats Menu⚓︎
The Stats menu now displays a scrollable list of more than 40 stats, including:
- end-boss kills
- angel/devil deals taken
- boss rushs cleared
- cards/pills used
- rocks/poop destroyed
- secret rooms opened
- dailys played/won
- ...
Dailies Menu⚓︎
The Dailies menu now displays extended stats, including:
- Target Goal
- Total runs
- Current Streak
- Target Difficulty
Mods menu⚓︎
The Mods menu now uses a slightly smaller font to render mod names, making it less common for text to render outside the backdrop boundaries.