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Class "Font"⚓︎

Modified Constructors⚓︎

Font ()⚓︎

Font,bool Font ( string FontPath )⚓︎

Added optional "FontPath" argument, the function now returns two values: Font object and the bool signifying whether the font was loaded successfully or not.

Modified Functions⚓︎

DrawString ()⚓︎

void DrawString ( string String, float PositionX, float PositionY, KColor RenderColor, int BoxWidth = 0, boolean Center = false )⚓︎

Same as default function, but with better input validation to prevent crashes.

DrawStringScaled ()⚓︎

void DrawStringScaled ( string String, float PositionX, float PositionY, float ScaleX, float ScaleY, KColor RenderColor, int BoxWidth = 0, boolean Center = false )⚓︎

Same as default function, but with better input validation to prevent crashes.

DrawStringScaledUTF8 ()⚓︎

void DrawStringScaledUTF8 ( string String, float PositionX, float PositionY, float ScaleX, float ScaleY, KColor RenderColor, int BoxWidth = 0, boolean Center = false )⚓︎

Same as default function, but with better input validation to prevent crashes.

DrawStringUTF8 ()⚓︎

void DrawStringUTF8 ( string String, float PositionX, float PositionY, KColor RenderColor, int BoxWidth = 0, boolean Center = false )⚓︎

Same as default function, but with better input validation to prevent crashes.

GetStringWidth ()⚓︎

int GetStringWidth ( string String )⚓︎

Same as default function, but with better input validation to prevent crashes.

GetStringWidthUTF8 ()⚓︎

int GetStringWidthUTF8 ( string String )⚓︎

Same as default function, but with better input validation to prevent crashes.