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Class "EntityFamiliar"⚓︎

Class Diagram⚓︎

    class Entity:::diagramCurrentPage
    class EntityBomb
    class EntityEffect
    class EntityFamiliar
    class EntityKnife
    class EntityLaser
    class EntityNPC
    class EntityPickup
    class EntityPlayer
    class EntityProjectile
    class EntitySlot
    class EntityTear
    Entity <|-- EntityBomb
    Entity <|-- EntityEffect
    Entity <|-- EntityFamiliar
    Entity <|-- EntityKnife
    Entity <|-- EntityLaser
    Entity <|-- EntityNPC
    Entity <|-- EntityPickup
    Entity <|-- EntityPlayer
    Entity <|-- EntityProjectile
    Entity <|-- EntitySlot
    Entity <|-- EntityTear
    link Entity "" "Go to page for 'Entity' class"
    link EntityBomb "" "Go to page for 'EntityBomb' class"
    link EntityEffect "" "Go to page for 'EntityEffect' class"
    link EntityFamiliar "" "Go to page for 'EntityFamiliar' class"
    link EntityKnife "" "Go to page for 'EntityKnife' class"
    link EntityLaser "EntityLaser.html" "Go to page for 'EntityLaser' class"
    link EntityNPC "EntityNPC.html" "Go to page for 'EntityNPC' class"
    link EntityPickup "EntityPickup.html" "Go to page for 'EntityPickup' class"
    link EntityPlayer "EntityPlayer.html" "Go to page for 'EntityPlayer' class"
    link EntityProjectile "" "Go to page for 'EntityProjectile' class"
    link EntitySlot "EntitySlot.html" "Go to page for 'EntitySlot' class"
    link EntityTear "" "Go to page for 'EntityTear' class"


CanBeDamagedByEnemies ()⚓︎

boolean CanBeDamagedByEnemies ( )⚓︎

CanBeDamagedByLasers ()⚓︎

boolean CanBeDamagedByLasers ( )⚓︎

CanBeDamagedByProjectiles ()⚓︎

boolean CanBeDamagedByProjectiles ( )⚓︎

CanBlockProjectiles ()⚓︎

boolean CanBlockProjectiles ( )⚓︎

CanCharm ()⚓︎

boolean CanCharm ( )⚓︎

GetDirtColor ()⚓︎

Color GetDirtColor ( )⚓︎

GetFollowerPriority ()⚓︎

FollowerPriority GetFollowerPriority ( )⚓︎

GetItemConfig ()⚓︎

ItemConfigItem GetItemConfig ( )⚓︎

Returns the ItemConfigItem corresponding to the item that granted this familiar.

Returns nil if the familiar was not spawned by an item.

GetMoveDelayNum ()⚓︎

int GetMoveDelayNum ( )⚓︎

Returns the amount in frames that the familiar's movements are delayed from the player's. 30 frames = 1 second.

GetPathFinder ()⚓︎

PathFinder GetPathFinder ( )⚓︎

GetWeapon ()⚓︎

Weapon GetWeapon ( )⚓︎

Returns nil for familiars that don't mimic the player's attacks (Incubus, etc).

IsCharmed ()⚓︎

boolean IsCharmed ( )⚓︎

RemoveFromPlayer ()⚓︎

void RemoveFromPlayer ( )⚓︎

SetMoveDelayNum ()⚓︎

void SetMoveDelayNum ( int Delay )⚓︎

Sets the amount in frames that the familiar's movements are delayed from the player's. 30 frames = 1 second.

TriggerRoomClear ()⚓︎

void TriggerRoomClear ( )⚓︎

TryAimAtMarkedTarget ()⚓︎

Vector TryAimAtMarkedTarget ( Vector AimDirection, Direction Direction)⚓︎

Returns nil if unsuccessful.

UpdateDirtColor ()⚓︎

void UpdateDirtColor ( )⚓︎