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Global Class "ItemOverlay"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the ItemOverlay global table.

Note that to call these functions, you must use a . (period) instead of a : (colon)!

Example Code
local overlaysprite = ItemOverlay.GetSprite()


GetDelay ()⚓︎

int GetDelay ( )⚓︎

GetMegaMushPlayerSprite ()⚓︎

Sprite GetMegaMushPlayerSprite ( )⚓︎

GetOverlayID ()⚓︎

Giantbook GetOverlayID ( )⚓︎


Returns the last Giantbook animation that played. This is the current Giantbook if one is currently playing. If none have played yet, returns 0.

GetPlayer ()⚓︎

EntityPlayer GetPlayer ( )⚓︎

GetSprite ()⚓︎

Sprite GetSprite ( )⚓︎

Show ()⚓︎

void Show ( Giantbook GiantbookID, int Delay = 3, EntityPlayer = nil )⚓︎