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Class "RNG"⚓︎

Modified Constructors⚓︎

RNG ()⚓︎

RNG RNG ( int seed = 2853650767, int shiftIdx = 35 )⚓︎

Now takes an optional seed and an optional shiftIdx. This can be used to avoid separating construction of the RNG object and a call to SetSeed.

The function validates both the seed and the shift index.

Modified Functions⚓︎

RandomInt ()⚓︎

int RandomInt ( int Min, int Max )⚓︎

Can now emulate math.random by accepting a second argument to generate a number between the first argument and it, inclusive. Negative values are usable in this mode and will properly generate a number between min and max regardless of sign.

SetSeed ()⚓︎

void SetSeed ( int Seed, int ShiftIdx = 35 )⚓︎

An error is now thrown if Seed is below 0.

An error is now thrown if ShiftIdx is not between 0 and 80, inclusive.

ShiftIdx is now optional, with the default value set to 35.


GetShiftIdx ()⚓︎

int GetShiftIdx ( )⚓︎

PhantomFloat ()⚓︎

float PhantomFloat ( )⚓︎

Generates a random float between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

This does not advance the internal state of the RNG object.

PhantomInt ()⚓︎

int PhantomInt ( int Max )⚓︎

Behaves identically to RandomInt without advancing the internal state of the RNG object.

PhantomNext ()⚓︎

int PhantomNext ( )⚓︎

PhantomPrevious ()⚓︎

int PhantomPrevious ( )⚓︎

PhantomVector ()⚓︎

Vector PhantomVector ( )⚓︎

Returns a random vector with length 1. Multiply this vector by a number for larger random vectors.

This does not advance the internal state of the RNG object.

Previous ()⚓︎

int Previous ( )⚓︎

RandomVector ()⚓︎

Vector RandomVector ( )⚓︎

Returns a random vector with length 1. Multiply this vector by a number for larger random vectors.