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Class "RoomConfigStage"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the following function:

Example Code
local roomConfigStage = RoomConfig.GetStage(StbType.BASEMENT)


GetBackdrop ()⚓︎

BackdropType GetBackdrop ( )⚓︎

Returns the BackdropType used in default rooms on the stage.

GetBossSpot ()⚓︎

string GetBossSpot ( )⚓︎

Returns the sprite path for the boss spot used in the boss intro.

GetDisplayName ()⚓︎

string GetDisplayName ( )⚓︎

Returns the name of the stage.

GetMusic ()⚓︎

Music GetMusic ( )⚓︎

Returns the Music used in default rooms on the stage.

GetPlayerSpot ()⚓︎

string GetPlayerSpot ( )⚓︎

Returns the sprite path for the player spot used in the boss intro and nightmare transition.

GetRoomSet ()⚓︎

RoomConfigSet GetRoomSet ( int Mode )⚓︎

Returns a RoomConfigSet, which contains every RoomConfigRoom in the stage.

Mode is 0 for Normal Mode, 1 for Greed Mode

GetSuffix ()⚓︎

string GetSuffix ( )⚓︎

Returns the suffix used by the stage for stage-unique sprites, such as the boss/player spot and unique variants for enemies.

SetBackdrop ()⚓︎

void SetBackdrop ( BackdropType Backdrop )⚓︎

Sets the BackdropType used in default rooms on the stage.

SetBossSpot ()⚓︎

void SetBossSpot ( string PngFilename )⚓︎

Sets the sprite path for the boss spot used in the boss intro.

SetDisplayName ()⚓︎

void SetDisplayName ( string Name )⚓︎

Sets the name of the stage.

SetMusic ()⚓︎

void SetMusic ( Music Music )⚓︎

Sets the Music used in default rooms on the stage.

SetPlayerSpot ()⚓︎

void SetPlayerSpot ( string PngFilename )⚓︎

Sets the sprite path for the player spot used in the boss intro and nightmare transition.

SetSuffix ()⚓︎

void SetSuffix ( string Suffix )⚓︎

Sets the suffix used by the stage for stage-unique sprites, such as the boss/player spot and unique variants for enemies.