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Class "Vector"⚓︎


__add ()⚓︎

Vector __add ( Vector Right )⚓︎

Fixed version of original function that prevents a crash when the left operant of the vector calculation is nil.

Defines the Addition of two Vector objects using the + operator.

__div ()⚓︎

Vector __div ( float Modifier )⚓︎

Fixed version of original function that prevents a crash when the left operant of the vector calculation is nil.

Defines the Division of two Vector objects using the / operator.

__mul ()⚓︎

Vector __mul ( float Modifier )⚓︎

Fixed version of original function that prevents a crash when the left operant of the vector calculation is nil.

Defines the Multiplication of two Vector objects using the * operator.

__sub ()⚓︎

Vector __sub ( Vector Right )⚓︎

Fixed version of original function that prevents a crash when the left operant of the vector calculation is nil.

Defines the Subtraction of two Vector objects using the - operator.


FromAngle ()⚓︎

void FromAngle ( float Angle )⚓︎