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Class "ProceduralEffect"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the following functions:

Example Code
local pItemEffect = ProceduralItemManager.GetProceduralItem(0):GetEffect(0)


GetActionProperty ()⚓︎

table GetActionProperty ( )⚓︎

Returns a table that describes the action argument.

When GetActionType returns USE_ACTIVE_ITEM, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type Comment
id int

When GetActionType returns ADD_TEMPRORY_EFFECT, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type Comment
id int

When GetActionType returns SPAWN_ENTITY, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type Comment
type int
variant int

When GetActionType returns CONVERT_ENTITY, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type Comment
fromType int
fromVariant int
toType int target type
toVariant int target variant

When GetActionType returns AREA_DAMAGE, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type Comment
radius float
damage float

When GetActionType returns FART, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type Comment
scale float
radius float

GetActionType ()⚓︎

ProceduralEffectActionType GetActionType ( )⚓︎

Returns what to do after the effect is triggered.

GetConditionProperty ()⚓︎

table GetConditionProperty ( )⚓︎

Returns a table that describes the condition argument.

When GetConditionType returns ENTITY_SPAWN, the returned table has the following fields.

Field Type
type int
variant int

GetConditionType ()⚓︎

ProceduralEffectConditionType GetConditionType ( )⚓︎

Returns the timing when the effect was triggered.

GetTriggerChance ()⚓︎

float GetTriggerChance ( )⚓︎

Values range from 0 to 1.